Perodua OTR (On The Road) Price.
On The Road Price meant the price of the vehicle inclusive of excise duty, GST (known as Sales Tax), Accessories, 1 year road tax fee and 1st year of Premium Insurance, Registration fee (Malaysia: Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan /JPJ), number plate, Spray and paint type (Metallic Colour / Solid Colour). Its mean when we pay the amount of On The Road Price we can drive away the vehicle from car dealer after they register the car at Authorities (JPJ).
For Perodua model variant. The OTR price range is start as lowest from RM26,546.00 (for model Axia Standard E Manual Solid) to RM) to RM67,634.60 (for Perodua Alza Advance Version Automatic Metallic).
The schedule of Perodua OTR Price are shown in picture below:
Monthly Installment.
Monthly Installment is the money amount we spending to pay to Bank per month for a vehicle when we buy a car using a Bank facilities like Hire Purchase or Auto financing. We can get the monthly installment amount by divided the Total Loan Amount (Loan including Interest) with the loan period (month).
Contact A.Salihin : 0198071861 for more information regarding the deal to get you own perodua car at Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
The document
On The Road Price meant the price of the vehicle inclusive of excise duty, GST (known as Sales Tax), Accessories, 1 year road tax fee and 1st year of Premium Insurance, Registration fee (Malaysia: Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan /JPJ), number plate, Spray and paint type (Metallic Colour / Solid Colour). Its mean when we pay the amount of On The Road Price we can drive away the vehicle from car dealer after they register the car at Authorities (JPJ).
For Perodua model variant. The OTR price range is start as lowest from RM26,546.00 (for model Axia Standard E Manual Solid) to RM) to RM67,634.60 (for Perodua Alza Advance Version Automatic Metallic).
The schedule of Perodua OTR Price are shown in picture below:
OTR price Perodua Axia Kota Kinabalu / Keningau Sabah |
OTR price Perodua Myvi 2015 Kota Kinabalu ? Keningau Sabah |
OTR price for Perodua Alza Kota Kinabalu / Keningau Sabah |
Monthly Installment is the money amount we spending to pay to Bank per month for a vehicle when we buy a car using a Bank facilities like Hire Purchase or Auto financing. We can get the monthly installment amount by divided the Total Loan Amount (Loan including Interest) with the loan period (month).
Contact A.Salihin : 0198071861 for more information regarding the deal to get you own perodua car at Kota Kinabalu Sabah.
The document